The Wishbone Alley Gazette
June, 1998 Rainier Auto Sports Club
Rally News
• I left out the (former) Jackelope's Wild West: Mark Wilkie/ Brian Fradenburg
finished 12/11th on each day's divisional. They learned the fine art on
nonverbal communication when the intercom broke (hand signals...). Lady Luck
kept the clutch from breaking until the finish of the last stage of the
weekend! •Raindrop Rally last word- despite a substantial donation by Vince Plancich,
the treasurer says we didn't break even. •Solo II at Kent: RASC has the concession stand at the National-level cone-
crusher competition at Boeing's Kent facility. Terry Simons is in charge, and
looking for some cooks and helpers with the Health Dept.'s license. Y'all come
out to help. •Saturday Niter- RASC has the August Saturday Niter (August 15). A tiny
rebellion is brewing within the club though- some folks would rather find a
different course than Nolte's choice of one that finishes in Renton.
• Vince spent a weekend in the deep South, went to "The Winston" race at
Charlotte. It wasn't a points race, just for money. This area of North
Carolina is HQ to the majority of the NASCAR teams; he wandered around looking
into windows. This is expected, and okay. But before a big race, the shops
shutter themselves to practice pit stops.
The closer you look, the more the cars look like race cars. Heck, they have
to put something on top of the racing chassis, why not a "Detroit" appearance?
The "headlights" on the cars are decals.
Vince took a radio scanner, and the conversations he heard were quite
entertaining. He'd find headsets that cover the ears next time, since the race
is loud and the little earplug speakers get uncomfortable after a while.
•Yes, that's Gordon Cady's Studebaker on page 53 of the April issue of
"Cruzin' ", a northwest-oriented street rod rag.
•After an extended illness, Vince's mother died on May 31.
•Cristy Breazeale had surgery on her pinkie toes, removing some inconvenient
bone structure.
For Sale
•For Sale: Mazda 12A header, plus RX3 parts. Price dropping- getting tired of
looking at this stuff! Pete Shelton (206)365-4173 •100 watt siren driver/amplifier. You'd need an adequate speaker...but never
be ignored Roy Ward, 425-869-3836 * DISH™ antenna & receiver. Won't get "Speedvision", replaced it with a DSS
system. $50 $40. Mark Nolte 425-226-3155
1998 RASC Calender
•Call the NWRC Hotline at (425)277-4351) for latest info on Puget Sound TSD
•Saturday Niters are the second Saturday of each month, Start is at the
Eastgate Park and Ride.
•For most B.C. events, see Dennis' Wendes' Web page at:
June 6 Oregon Trail, Div PRO-Rally
June 5-7 Susquehannock PRO-Rally
June 13 Saturday Niter, Eastgate Park and Ride, reg. opens at 5:40, FCO 6:31
June 12-13 Edge of the Rock stage rally, (Vancouver Island).
The rally needs workers. Tony Latham is the mainland contact, e-mail:
dlatham@d.... Or at 604-263-1971 in Vancouver.
The worker contact on Vancouver Island is Roy Lima. E-mail him at:
June 20 "Some're Solstice" TSD by ORCA, $25, Eastgate Park & Ride. Reg
10am, FCO 11:01, appx 5 hrs. "This rally features through route determinants
that change approximately once a leg." Debbie Sjodin, RM 425-776-2249
June 20 Reno Div-PRO
June 27-28 Summer Rally, Vanc. Island. Reg: Moxie's Restaurant in Nanaimo.
Features overnight stop in Port Alberni.
July 11-12 "Gold Digger"; All nighter. Registration is at Boston Pizza in
Whistler BC at 11 p.m. Martin Wilson , RM, (504)683-6517
Jul 18 Mountains to the East (Ore)(Levear)
July 25-26 PRO Solo 2, Kent
Aug 1-2 ORV Rallysprints, Elma
Aug 1-2 Maine Forest PRO
Aug 8-9 Road Not Taken, OR
Aug 15 SatNiter by RASC
Aug 16 Rally at PIR (OR)
Aug 28-30 Ojibwe PRO-Rally
Aug29-Sept 5 Alcan 5000 Rally: jhines@e... ;
Sept 12-13 POR- Mich.
Sept 19-20 Evergreen State 1000 TSD
Oct 2-4 Prescott Forest PRO-Rally (AZ)
Oct 3 "Nite on Bald Mountain" touring TSD by ORCA. Sunset 'til midnite or
so. Gregg Hightower, RM, 425- 226-4936. Mostly gravel
Oct 17-18 "Totem Rally" (TSD) , BC
Rainier Auto Sports Club will meet this coming Monday, June 8, at 7:30 PM at
CoCo's in Bellevue,
( 520 112th Ave., between the "NE 8" and "NE 4th" Exits of 405 on the west
side of the Hwy.) We have a meeting room set aside in the back. Monthly
meetings are the second Monday of each month. Past Members, visitors, and
spectators are welcomed.
Agenda: Committee members will be appointed. News from Oregon Trail. "Stuff"
will be swapped.
Sounds like a typical meeting
1998 Board Members:
President: Pete Shelton- 206-365-4173; Vice-President: Jay
Kingsley-206-243-9102 Secretary: Rod Chelgren- 206-523-9330; Treasurer: Terry
Simons- 425-806-1741 Membership: Mike Jones- 425-823-8329, Member at large:
Cristy Breazeale, 206- 935-8312.
The Wishbone Alley Gazette is published for the members and friends of
Rainier Auto Sports Club. Subscription price is $10 per year.
The editor is Mark Nolte, ph. 425-226-3155. Contributions and paid/unpaid
ads eagerly received at
2108 NE 12Th. St., Renton, Wa 98056 WAG FAX Line: 425-226-1469. E-Mail: